Thursday 27 May 2010

Welcome to the world Noah Davies

Hi All,

What an exciting day!

At 11.21am this morning Wayne and Sarah had a lovely baby boy called Noah weighing in at a little over 8lbs!

Everyone is doing well and we are looking forward to Noah starting work in the office before to long!

Wayne and Sarah congratulations. How amazing is it that God would add little Noah to your family today.


Saturday 22 May 2010

Issues Fixed


Around 21:25 all network issues were corrected.

We intend to make further changes in the coming week or so to improve further redundancy beyond our firewall cluster.

Tonight the issue was outside of our control, but was corrected quickly once the issue was identified.

Network Outage - Again!


I am really sorry about this. We switched everything over to another router this morning and now we are suffering an issue with the replacement.

We are currently making changes and these will be completed as quickly as possible.

I will post a full explanation as soon as possible.


Network Outage Fixed - 09:10


We have now been able to reconfigure one of our other border routers to take the traffic for our network.

All traffic is now routing and flowing correctly.

Thank you for your patience. We are adding further redundancy this coming week that will again strengthen our resilience beyond just our firewall cluster.

Network Outage Update - 08.36

We have now been able to identify the issue as a blade failure in one of our edge routers.

We are working around re-routing traffic at the moment and service should be restored shortly.


Network Outage 07.32 21-5-10


Just to let everyone know that we have experienced a network failure at the moment, we are not fully sure of the issue, but it may be just one of the connections that has failed.

I will update this shortly as soon as I know more.


Thursday 20 May 2010

All emails now running smoothly.

Well what can I say but a very big thank you to our customers for their patience and understanding.

By lunchtime today we were able to track down the customer who had their email address compromised. We were then able to remove the hundred of thousands of spam emails this compromise had caused which meant that email was able to move smoothly again.

The software vendors then looked at our spam filter cluster to check all was correct and made a couple of changes to improve performance and this is now coping well.

The final issue was corrected at 17.58 when we located a rogue LDAP installation which was causing some people to not be able to log in to their email accounts.

So all should now be well with the world. Please do let us know if you continue to have any issues.


Email Update Thursday 20th May

Hi All,

We still have a few issues with email at the moment, but this is a sum up and update.

1. Spam Filtered Emails
This system is now running correctly and mail moving through without delays with nothing held in our queues.

2. General Mail Delays
One of our customers has had their email account targeted and are receiving a huge amount of spam email. We are currently closing this account. This is what is then causing mail delays for customers hosted on our PEM system.

3. Failure to login to collect emails.
This is a third issue! This is due to a corrupted database and is affecting around 10% of our customers in PEM. The software vendors are currently working on this and it should hopefully be resolved in the next few hours.


Tuesday 18 May 2010

Spam filtered email update

Hi All,

Well we certainly were not expecting our SAN (large disk storage system) to fail today! Thankfully since it is built to continue running even after a failure, we did not loose any data.

It took us a short period of time at the end of our maintenance window today to fail the SAN over to it's backup setup.

During this time we experienced a build up of inbound email as it was not able to flow through our network.

As of 10pm today all mail seems to be flowing well with only around a 40 minute delay. The servers should be able to catch up with all in bound email over night bringing the system back in line.

Thank you so much for your patience and understanding.


Maintenance works

This is just an update to the above title.

We would like to apologise about the delay with mail and thank you for your patience, Mail is flowing and the queue is coming down there has been a delay and should see this catch up through the night.

The issue came about when we bought our san back on line and the controller failed, we failed it over to the second controller but had to put some config in place to get mail working.

We once again thank you for your patience with this issue.

The So support team.

Maintenence Window Complete


Thank you for your patience. We have made great progress over night.

Pretty much all servers are online, but we do have a few niggles to work out.

Email is just coming back online after the SAN (the large filestore system we use) failed to boot correctly.

We then just have a few Gold Vision VPS to get working again and we should be up and running.

If you do spot an issue, please do let us know via email - or leave us a message or talk to someone directly on 01562 821 853


Friday 14 May 2010

Increase in spam making it through our filters


A number of customers on our spam filtering service have noticed an increase in spam that seems to be getting through our filtering system.

These emails seem to be of a very specific format and we are working with the software vendors on a solution to block them.

I will send an update out once we have a fix in place for this issue and want to thank those customers that have helped us to identify the problem.


Thursday 13 May 2010

Important Network Maintenance Starting 9pm - 17-05-10

Hi All,

As our network continues to grow, we want to make sure we are always improving the service that we offer our customers.

We try to keep major maintenance down to a minimum, but have a window of opportunity to make some changes in a few days time.

We will be changing our network configuration on Monday 17th May 2010 starting at 9pm. We will be taking offline some of our non critical equipment first, followed later in the evening by those more important. Full service should be restored by round 7am on Tuesday 18th May 2010.

Please note that during this period ADSL connectivity will be unaffected, but access to email will be.

I appreciate your understanding with this short notice period, but do believe the improvements will be worth it in the long term.

If you do have any questions, please feel free to contact


Thursday 6 May 2010

Web Mail Update


Further to our update yesterday, webmail is now operational again.

Thanks for your patience.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Mail Issue update


Further to our earlier news post regarding our Mail issue, emails are flowing but we still have an issue with the Web Mail server, this has fallen over and we are currently in the process of building a new one, we will keep you posted as to our progress and once again apologise for delay.

Thanks for your patience.

Support team

Mail Issue


This is just to let you know of a mail issue we've had this morning.

We were alerted at 7:03am by our monitoring system that one of our mailservers had stopped working, we have investigated this and shut that unit down so that the backup server could take it's place, this was rectified by 8:47am.

Mail is now currently flowing, but access to webmail is still off line, we are working on this at the moment and will keep you updated when this is rectified.

Once again thank you for your patience while we work on this issue.

So Internet support team.

Monday 3 May 2010

Bank Holiday


Please note that we are closed for the bank Holiday Monday, unfortunately the answer machine message for the phones has not activated.

Could i ask that if you have a support query that you email if you require sales please email sales at

We are open at 10am tomorrow (staff training for the first hour).

Thanks for you patience with this and have a fantastic Bank Holiday.